Tuesday, January 7, 2020

F. Skinner s Theory Of Psychology Essay - 2523 Words

B F Skinner was one of the most influential behaviourist in psychology. He introduced a lot of new theories from his work and has been studied by many for years. Skinner particularly focused on behaviour patterns of animals and people, of course. He was very popular for his â€Å"Skinner Box† experiment. Skinner Box is used for conditioning animals like pigeons and rats to behave in desired ways such as running through a maze, playing tunes on a keyboard, or pressing levers (McLeod, 2007). Skinner also influenced the education field through his theory that behaviour was important and good behaviour should be reinforced with rewards and bad behaviour should be negatively reinforced or punished (McLeod, 2007). Skinner is known as the father of Operant Conditioning and introduced a new term Reinforcement as his work was based on Thorndike’s Law of Effect. Operant conditioning is a type of learning in which the participant gets a reinforcer only after performing an anticipated response, thus learns a relationship between the response and the reinforcer. This also concerned with the learning of new voluntary behaviour. (Gleitman, Gross, Reisberg, 2010). Operant conditioning is explained that with every behaviour, there are consequences and these consequences determine future behaviour (Department of Psychology, 2014). Edward Thorndike (1874-1935) conducted a research to examine whether animals could think and solve problems (Alsop, 2014). He used different puzzle boxes in hisShow MoreRelatedCarl Rogers Vs. F. Skinner : Which Perspective Is The Most Important?1419 Words   |  6 Pages Carl Rogers vs B. F. Skinner – Which Perspective is the Most Important? A long-debated argument in the field of Psychology has been which theory or explanation of human behavior is the most important and the most viable. Is B. F. 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