Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Proposals that Would Halted the Genocide in Rwanda Essay

PROPOSALS THAT WOULD HAVE HALTED THE GENOCIDE The world watched: The West will argue that the pre-genocide signs were not clear, and that they had no way of knowing of the impending genocide. This argument is obviously flawed, as the signs pre-genocide were very, very clear. It is impossible that the Western world did not see the recipe for mass ethnic extermination in Rwanda. In August 1993, General Romà ©o Dallaire, UN Force Commander, took his first African command as head of United Nations Assistance Mission in Rwanda (UNAMIR), Early 1994 an informant from high echelon in the Hutu hierarchy came forward to Dallaire to reveal that the Hutu extremists planned to end the peace agreement and exterminate the Tutsis from Rwanda. The informant†¦show more content†¦This immediate withdrawal of any support was exactly how the extremists hoped the West would react. In their planning they realized that if they tortured and killed UN peacekeepers, the West would use that as an excuse to remove any supporting troops from the killers’ way. It worked perfectly, for the killers. After lobbying countries in the Security Council, the United States and Belgium were able to get the Secretary General to announce that there had been a â€Å"break down in the peace agreement,† and the United Nations therefore was to pull out all but 400 (African) UNAMIR troops. That is, after all 257 American citizens in Rwanda had been evacuated. Secondly, the West has argued that, despite being concerned for the safety of their citizens and the United Nations peace keepers, they did not intervene in the Rwanda genocide because they did not have the ability, the troops, or the funds to act. This is again untrue, because over the night of April 9, 1994, 1000 French and Belgian paratroopers seized Kigali international airport, independent of the United Nations. These 1000 troops commanded the airport and efficiently infiltrated the country to remove stranded Western citizens while leaving every single African behind. This proves that the Western world was able and willing to get into Rwanda, only to save its own citizens. If the West could get 1000 troops in two days into Rwanda, then it is clear thatShow MoreRelatedThe Rights Of Human Rights1211 Words   |  5 Pagesinternational institution, like the United Nations. As evident through the events in Rwanda, all members of the United Nation Security Council expressed their concerns and sadness about the human rights abuses in Rwanda by the Rwandan government, yet, when debating on the course of action, only a minority of the members actually supported humanitarian intervention in Rwanda. The violations on the principle of human rights in Rwanda were ignored as several council members cited the lack of funds and resourcesRead MoreEssay on Fall of Asclepius95354 Words   |  382 Pagesfound only one that was truly worthy; Zombies. It was a simple word. At the same time it was the most complicated word to enter any human language. I mean just think about it... You say that word to anyone before the outbreak and what would they think of? They would, thi nk of those horror movies or comic books where, for no reason what so ever, zombies appear all around the globe in an instance. Thats not how it happened for us. There were signs for over two months. Its just that no one took the

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